Suggestions for a #DomesticEcology
Small powerful #Compassionate acts for the environment.
As #WangariMaathai suggested one hummingbird may not extinguish a forest fire, but will feel better trying than not doing anything. Especially as doing nothing contributes to the #BystanderEffect whereas if we are consistent doing the best possible action to us, others may follow us (#SecretsOfPersuasion), even if just by following the crowd blindly by the ( #ConformityEffect).
- Thermal insulation to avoid heating moving where you do not want it. Good windows are the key. If you cannot afford to change them you may cover them with curtains.
- Fans and AC. Fans use much less electricity than air conditioning machines and are better for our health. In case the temperatures are too high and AC is necessary it is best to use fans as well as we can reduce the AC power that way. Water sprays and light clothes can help reduce AC use too.
- WC water. Each time you flush the toilet a considerable amount of drinking water is used. It may be possible to reduce the amount of water by introducing a bottle of water inside the container.
- Washing machine. If you pour the water from the washing machine in a big bucket, you will be able to use it to flush the toilet.
- Pre-heating shower water: if you put a bucket in the shower, you will be able to collect the cold water. This water can be used to flush the toilet or mop the floor.
- Bathtub water. If you have a bath or you shower with the plug on, you will be able to collect the water to flush the toilet. If you leave the water to cool in the tub in winter, the heat will dissipate inside the house, saving heating energy and reducing global warming.
- Cold showers: during the warm weather and/or after intense physical exercise, it is very healthy to have a cold shower. We can save water and energy and reduce global warming with fresh showers.
- Electrical appliances. Many electric devices use electricity when not used, so it is better to unplug them.
- Fridge. If we place the fridge and/or freezer in the coolest place of the house and we clear the back and the top, it will use less electricity (and heat less the house).
- Dishwasher. Modern dishwashers use less water and energy than a person washing the dishes with hot water running continuously. However, if we use cold water (wearing gloves in winter) the use of energy can be much reduced when hand-washing. We suggest using dishwashers in winter (releasing the heat created into the house) and hand-washing in summer (with cold water, having the tap running only to rinse, ideally with a special device on the tap to spread the water (many cheap models available)
- Botijo. This typical Spanish evaporative cooler can reduce the use of electricity and help cool the house in summer. It is also better for your health as cold water from the fridge is not as healthy.
- Use of dishwasher. Dishwashers
- Food waste. Avoiding food waste can help reduce the use of water and energy necessary to produce it. It also helps saving.
- Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Veganism or vegetarianism are options which can reduce animal abuse and the greenhouse effect by the farming industry. For those who prefer to choose these ingredients in their diet, it is important to make sure the origin of what we eat. That way we can improve the animal’s conditions (for their sake and for our health). At NGO, we recommend the use of local free goat farming as well as reducing the greenhouse effect created by methane gases from industrial cows, goats help reduce forest fires. See project in Spain.
- Other domestic waste. It is important to reduce waste, which can be done buying only whatever we need , and ensuring whatever we buy uses minimum packaging. We can recycle the packaging or, even better, reuse it.
- Use of the stairs. Using the stairs is very healthy. Reducing the use of the elevator can reduce energy consuption and global warming.
- Litter. Sadly we see litter in the cities, countryside, mountains and seaside. One person cannot possibly pick it all up, but if we pick a few each time and others see us and copy, tons can be removed.
- Inspire others to participate in this project. For example by sharing a message like this to your contacts / social media: Would you like to save and help the environment? Go to
- You may also copy some of these suggestions.

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Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Please contact us.